弹奏古钢琴 (1963)




1.My friends, you're sorry for the poet

My friends, you will lament the poet

2.in the bloom of glad hopes,

Who, flowering with a happy gift,

3.not having yet fulfilled them for the world,

Must wilt before he could bestow it

4.scarce out of infant clothes,

Upon the world, yet scarce adrift

5.withered! Where is the ardent stir,

From boyhood' s shore. Now he will never

6.the noble aspiration,

Seethe with that generous endeavor,

7.of young emotions and young thoughts,

Those storms of mind and heart again,

8.exalted, tender, bold?

Audacious, tender or humane!

9.Where are love's turbulent desires,

Stilled now are love's unruly urges,

10.the thirst for knowledges and work,

The thirst for knowledge and for deeds,

11.the dread of vice and shame,

Contempt for vice and what it breeds,

12.and you, fond musings,

And stilled you too, ethereal surges

13.you, token of unearthly life,

Breath of a transcendental clime,

14.you, dreams of sacred poetry!

Dreams from the sacred realm of rhyme.

1.Perhaps, for the world's good

Perchance the world would have saluted

2.or, at least, for glory he was born;

In him a savior or a sage;

3.his silenced lyre might have aroused

His ly-eye, now forever muted,

4.a resonant, uninterrupted ringing

Might have resounded down the age

5.throughout the ages. There awaited

In ceaseless thunder, and have fated

6.the poet, on the stairway of the world

Its bearer to be elevated

7.perhaps, a lofty stair.

To high rank on the worldly grade;

8.His martyred shade has carried

Or haply with his martyred shade

9.away with him, perhaps,

Some holy insight will they bury,

10.a sacred mystery, and for us

A gem, perchance, of wisdom choice,

11.dead is a life-creating voice,

Now perished with his vital voice.

12.and to his shade beyond the tomb's confines

The hymn of ages will not carry

13.will not rush up the hymn of races,

Deep into his sepulchral den

14.the blessing of the ages.

The benedictions of all men.(2)

我把那些在普希金文本中找不到,或形式不同的用词以斜体表现。至于译本中的疏漏不胜枚举。被动的读者无疑会从阿恩特的36节第2行实际上没有意义的诗句中得到一种错觉。他们几乎注意不到第4—5行中有关下疳的隐喻,被强加的俗丽的韵脚不是普希金的错,也不奇怪,一个注释家无知的鲁莽会体现在他自己的比喻中,他应该知道,修辞是一个诗人才华的主要、至上的本质和亮点,应是最后触碰的东西。在列举的第2节诗中,被动的读者会忽略这样一些隐喻,如“buried insight”、“gem of wisdom”,还有“sepulchral den”(暗示一头死去的狮子而不是死去的诗人)。他们也会相信“high rank”(意指从沙皇那儿领受恩惠的温顺的诗人,如茹科夫斯基,而根本不是普希金想到的“lofty stair”);但也许第5—6行中的“thunder-bearer”会绊住他们的脚。

