
《我们的祖先》,Our Ancestors, trans, by Archibald Colquhoun, with an introduction by the author (London: Minerva, 1992).

《命运交错的城堡》,The Castle of Crossed Destinies, trans, by William Weaver (London: Secker& Warburg, 1977).

《通往蜘蛛巢的小路》,The Path to the Spiders' Nests, trans, by Archibald Colquhoun, revised by Martin McLaughlin (London: Jonathan Cape, 1998).

《通往圣吉瓦尼之路》,The Road to San Giovanni, trans, by Tim Parks (London: Jonathan Cape, 1993).

《监票人和其他故事》,The Watcher and Other Stories, trans, by William Weaver (San Diego-New York-London: Harcourt Brace, 1971).

《时间和猎手》,Time and the Hunter, trans, by William Weaver (London: Picador, 1993).

《在美洲豹的太阳下》,Under the Jaguar Sun, trans, by William Weaver (London: Vintage, 1993).

(b) 非小说作品(Non-Fiction)

《文学机器》,The Literature Machine. Essays, trans, by Patrick Creagh (London: Secker & Warburg, 1987).

《未来千年文学备忘录》,Six Memos for the Next Millennium, trans, by Patrick Creagh (London: Vintage, 1996).

《已写和未写的话》,'The Written and Unwritten Word [sic]', trans, by William Weaver, New York Review of Books, 21 May 1983, 38-9.


Il sentier dei nidi di ragno, Einaudi(Turin, Italy),1947, translation by Archibald Colquhoun published as The Path to the Nest of Spiders, Collins, 1956, Beacon Press, 1957, reprinted, Ecco Press, 1976.


Ultimo viene il corvo(short stories; title means"Last Comes the Crow"; also see below), Einaudi, 1949. 《烏鴉最晚到》,1949(短篇)。

Il viscont dimezzato(novel; title means "The Cloven Viscount"; also see below), Einaudi, 1952. 《分成兩半的子爵》,1952(長篇)。

L"entrata en guerra(short stories; title means "Entering the War"), Einaudi, 1954.


Il barone rampante(novel; also see below), Enaudi, 1957, translation by Colquhoun published as The Baron in the Trees, Random House, 1959, original Italian text published under original title with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by J. R. Woodhouse, Manchester University Press, 1970. 《樹上的男爵》,1957(長篇)。

Il cavaliere inesistente(novel; title means "The Nonexistent Knight" also see below), Einaudi, 1959.《不存在的騎士》,1959(長篇) 。

La giornata d"uno scutatore(novel; title means "The Watcher"; also see below), Einaudi, 1963. 《監票員》,1963(中篇)。

La speculazione edilizia(novel; title means "A Plunge into Real Estate",also see below), Einaudi, 1963. 《投入房地產》,1963(中篇)。

Ti con zero(stories), Einaudi, 1967, translation by William Weaver published as T Zero, Harcourt, 1969 (published in England as Time and the Hunter, J. Cape, 1970).


Le cosmicomiche(stories), Einaudi, translation by Weaver plblished as Cosmicomics, Harcourt, 1968.


La memoria del mondo(stories; title means "Memory of the World"), Einaudi, 1968.

















《義大利寓言》(另英譯做《義大利民間故事》),1956; 1959; 1980。

