
[26] J. H. Clapham, An Economic History of Modern Britain (1926), p. 427 ff.; Mulhall, op. cit. pp. 121, 332, M. Robbins, The Railway Age (1962), p. 30—1.

[28] Mulhall, op. cit. 501, 497.

[29] L. H. Jenks, The Migration of British Capital to 1875 (New York and London 1927), p.126.

[30] D. Spring, The English Landed Estate in the Age of Coal and Iron, Journal of Economic History, (XI, I, 1951)

[32] Albert M. Imlah, British Balance of Payments and Export of Capital,1816—1913,Economic History Review V (1952, 2, p. 24).

[33] John Francis, A History of the English Railway (1851) II, 136; see also H. Tuck, The Railway Shareholder’s Manual (7th edition 1846), Preface, and T. Tooke, History of Prices II, pp. 275, 333—4 for the pressure of accumulated Lancashire surpluses into railways.

[34] Mulhall, op. cit., p. 14.

[35] Annals of Agric. XXXVI, p. 214.

[36] Wilbert Moore, Industrialisation and Labour (Cornell 1951).

[37] Blaug, loc. cit., p. 368. Children under 13, however, declined sharply in the 1830’s.

[39] Mulhall, op. cit.; Imlah, loc. cit., II, 52, pp. 228—9. The precise date of this estimate is 1854.

第三章 法国大革命

[1] See R. R. Palmer, The Age of Democratic Revolution (1959); J. Godechot, La Grande Nation (1956), Vol. I, Chapter 1.

[2] B. Lewis, The Impact of the French Revolution on Turkey, Journal of World History, I (1953—4, p.105)

[3] H. Sée, Esquisse d’une Histoire du Régime Agraire (1931), pp. 16—17.

[4] A. Soboul, Les Campagnes Montpelliéraines à la fin de l’Ancien Régime (1958).

[5] A. Goodwin, The French Revolution(1959 cd.), p. 70.

[7] D. Greer, The Incidence of the Terror (Harvard 1935).

[8] Oeuvres Complètes de Saint-Just, Vol. II, p. 147 (ed. C. Vellay, Paris 1908).

第四章 战争

[1] Cf. e.g. W. von Grootc, Die Entstehung d. Nationalbewussteins in Nordwestdeutschland 1790—1830 (1952).

[2] M. Lewis, A Social History of the Navy, 1793—1815 (1960), pp. 370, 373.

[3] Gordon Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army 1640—1945 (1955), p. 26.

[4] A. Sorel, L’Europe et la révolution francaise, I (1922 ed.), p. 66.

[5] Considérations sur la France, Chapter IV.

[6] Quoted in L.S.Stavrianos,Antecedents to Balkan Revolutions, Journal of Modern History,XXIX,1957, p.344.

[7] G. Bodart, Losses of Life in Modem Wars (1916), p. 133.

[8] J. Vicens Vives ed. Historia Social de Espaňa y America (1956), IV, ii, p. 15.

[9] G. Bruun, Europe and the French Imperium (1938), p. 72.

[10] J. Leverrier, La Naissance de l’armée nationale, 1789—94 (1939), p. 139; G.Lefebvre,Napoléon(1936), pp. 198, 527; M. Lewis, op. cit., p. 119; Parliamentary Papers XVII, 1859, p. 15.

[11] Mulhall, Dictionary of Statistics: War.

[12] Cabinet Cyclopedia, I, pp. 55—6 (‘Manufactures in Metal’).

[13] E. Tarlé, Le Blocus continental et le royaume d’Italie(1928), pp. 3—4, 25—31; H. Sée, Histoire Economique de la France,II, p. 52; Mulhall, loc. cit.

[14] Gayer, Rostow and Schwartz, Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy, 1790—1850 (1953), pp. 646—9; F. Crouzet, Le blocus continental et l’économie Britannique (1958), p. 868 ff.

第五章 和平

[1] Castlereagh, Correspondence, Third Series, XI, p. 105.

[2] Gentz, Depêches inédites, I, p. 371.

[3] J. Richardson, My Dearest Uncle, Leopold of the Belgians (1961), p. 165.

[4] R. Cameron, op. cit. p. 85.

[5] F. Ponteil, Lafayette et la Pologne (1934).

第六章 革命

[1] Luding Boerne, Gesammelte Schriften, III, pp. 130—1.

[2] Memoirs of Prince Metternich, p. 468.

[3] Vienna, Verwaltungsarchiv: Polizeihofstelle H 136/1834, passim.

[4] Guizot, Of Democracy in Modern Societies (London 1838), p. 32.

[5] The most lucid discussion of this general revolutionary strategy is contained in Marx’ articles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung during the 1848 revolution.

[6] M. L. Hansen, The Atlantic Migration (1945), p. 147.

[7] F. C. Mather, The Government and the Chartists, in A. Briggs ed. Chartist Studies(1959).

[8] cf. Parliamentary Papers, XXXIV, of 1834; answers to question 53 (causes and consequences of the agricultural riots and burning of 1830 and 1831), e.g. Lambourn, Speen (Berks), Steeple Claydon (Bucks), Bonington (Glos), Evenley (Northants).

[9] R. Dautry, 1848 et la Deuxième République (1848), p. 80.

[10] St. Kiniewicz, La Pologne et l’Italie à I’époque du printemps des peuples. La Pologne au Xe Congrés International Historique, 1955, p. 245.

[11] D. Cantimori in F. Fejtö ed., The Opening of an Era: 1848 (1948), p. 119.

[12] D. Read, Press and People (1961), p. 216.

[13] Irene Collins, Government and Newspaper Press in France, 1814—81 (1959).

[14] cf. E. J. Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels (1959). pp.171—2; V. Volguine, Les idées socialistes et communistes dans les sociétés secrètes (Questions d’Histoire, II, 1954,pp.10—37); A. B. Spitzer, The Revolutionary Theories of Auguste Blanqui (1957), pp.165—6.