
辉煌巨著,Henri Zimmer and Joseph Campell,The Art of India Asia, 2nd ed., 2 vols. (New York, 1955)是最好的论述印度文化传播到东南亚的著作。Ludwig Bachhofer, A Short History of Chinese Art(London, 1947)对早期中国青铜器进行了工艺的、令人信服的文本分析。更令人印象深刻的文本分析著作是Henri Frankfort, Cylinder Seals(London, 1931),他利用来自古代美索不达米亚大量被保存下来的一种物质,把艺术主旨的变化与古代社会的社会和政治秩序的变化联系起来。难以想象还有其他著作比它更生动地阐述了艺术史与社会发展之间的整体关系。

遗憾的是,插图丰富的艺术书籍必然价格昂贵,这限制了它们的利用。“大学印刷厂”(University Prints)提供了一种差强人意的简装替代选择,该机构以适中的价格销售各种艺术门类的单幅照片。如果教师想让一个班级的全体学生得到一张同样的图片以便能够学习和讨论,那么“大学印刷厂”就是一个灵活的和随时可以得到的源泉。它的地址是15 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass., 02138。


人类进化和史前史。W. E. Le Gros Clark, The Antecedents of Man(Chicago, 1960); Kenneth P. Oakley, Man the Tool-Maker, 5th ed. (London, 1976); Robert Ardrey, African Genesis(London, 1961); Sol Tax, ed., Evolution after Darwin, 3 vols. (Chicago, 1960); Carleton S. Coon, The Origin of Races(New York, 1962); M.F.Ashley Montague ed., Culture and the Evolution of Man(New York, 1962); James Mellaart, The Neolithic of the Near East(New York, 1976); 和Grahame Clark, World Prehistory, A New Outline(Cambridge, 1969)。关于理论而不是关于历史,但是思想非常深刻的小书是Robert Redfield, The Primitive World and Its Transformations(Ithaca, N. Y., 1953)。

古代中东。Henri Frankfort, The Birth of Civilization in the Near East(Bloomington, Ind., 1951); V. Gordon Childe, What Happened in History(Penguin, 1943); Samuel Noah Kramer, The Sumerians: Their History, Culture and Character(Chicago, 1963); John A. Wilson, The Burden of Egypt: An Interpretation of Ancient Egyptian Culture(Chicago,1951); A. Leo Oppenheim, Ancient Mesopotamia, Portrait of a Dead Civilization(Chicago,1964); Karl W. Butzer, Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology(Chicago,1976); W. Stevenson Smith, Interconnections in the Ancient Near East: A Study of the Relationships between the Arts of Egypt, the Aegean and Western Asia(New Haven, Conn., 1965); O. R. Gurney, The Hittites, rev. ed. (Penguin, 1961); George Steindorff and Keith C. Seele, When Egypt Ruled the East, rev. ed. (Chicago, 1957); A. T. Olmstead, A History of Assyria(Chicago, 1923); Donald Harden, The Phoenicians(New York, 1962); William F. Albright, The Archeology of Palestine, rev. ed. (Penguin, 1960); H. H. Robinson and W. O.E. Oesterly, History of Israel, 2 vols. (Oxford,1932);H. H. Rowley ed., The Old Testament and Modern Study(Oxford, 1951); A. T. Olmstead, A History of the Persian Empire(Chicago, 1948); R. C. Zaehner, The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism(New York, 1961); Jack Finegan,Light from the Ancient past: The Archeological Background of Judaism and Christianity, 2nd ed. (Princeton, 1959); David Diringer, The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind, 2nd ed. Rev. (London, 1953); Ignace J.Gelb, A Study of Writing, rev. ed. (Chicago, 1964); Otto Neugebauer, The Exact Science in Antiquity(Leiden, 1950); Charles Singer, et al., eds., A History of Technology, I: From Early Times to Fall of Ancient Empires(Oxford, 1954); 和R. J. Forbes, Metallurgy in Antiquity(Leiden, 1950)。

欧洲。J.G.D.Clark, Prehistoric Europe: The Economic Basis(New York and London, 1952); C. F. C. Hawkes, The Prehistoric Foundations of Europe to the Mycenean Age(London, 1940); V. Gorden Childe, The Dawn of European Civilization, 6th ed. (New York, 1958); John Boardman et al., eds., The European Community in Later Prehistory: Studies in Honor of C. F. C. Hawkes(Totowa. N. J., 1971); J. D. Evans, Malta(New York, 1959); J. D. S. Pendlebury, The Archeology of Ancient Crete(Penguin, 1962); Sinclair Hood, The Minoans: The Story of Bronze Age Crete(New York, 1971); A. R. Burn, Minoans, Philistines and Greeks, 1400~900 B.C. (London, 1930); Chester G. Starr, Origins of Greeks Civilization, 1100~650 B.C. (New York, 1961); M.I. Finley, The World of Odysseus(New York, 1954); Eric R. Ddodds, The Greeks and the Irrational(Boston, 1957); Alfred E, Zimmern, The Greek Commonwealth, 5th ed. rev.(Oxford, 1931); M. I. Finley, Early Greece: The Bronze and Archaic Ages(New York, 1970); M. Pallottino, Art of the Etruscans(London and New York, 1955); Raymond Block, Origins of Rome(New York, 1960); T. G. Powell, The Celts(New York, 1958); B. H. Warmington, Carthage(London, 1960); 和Marija Gimbutas, The Slavs(New York, 1971)。